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Export Data

In this section, we will show how to export data from a Drift instance by using the drift-cli export command.

Export Raw Data

The drift-cli export raw command allows you to export data from a Drift instance to a local folder on your computer. This can be useful if you want to make a copy of your data for backup or process them locally.

The drift-cli export raw command has the following syntax:

drift-cli export raw [OPTIONS] SRC DEST

SRC should be an alias of a Drift instance you want to export data from.

DEST should be the destination folder on your computer where you want to save the exported data.

Here is an example of how you might use the drift-cli export raw command:

drift-cli export raw drift-device ./exported-data --start 2021-01-23 --end 2021-01-24

This will export all the raw data from the drift-device Drift instance to the ./exported-data folder on your computer. For each topic the CLI will create a separate folder. Each package will be saved as a separate file with the name <timestamp>.dp.

Available options

Here is a list of the options that you can use with the drift-cli export commands:

  • --start: This option allows you to specify a starting time point for the data that you want to export. Data with timestamps newer than this time point will be included in the export. The time point should be in ISO format (e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z).

  • --stop: This option allows you to specify an ending time point for the data that you want to export. Data with timestamps older than this time point will be included in the export. The time point should be in ISO format (e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z).

  • --csv: This option allows you to export data in csv format. It creates a separate csv file for each topic in the exported data and save time series data in a single column with meta information in first row. The meta information has the following format: topic,package count, first timestamp, last timestamp. The timestamp format is Unix time in milliseconds.

  • --jpeg: This option allows you to export data in JPEG format.

  • --topics: This option allows you to specify a list of topics that you want to export. The list should be a comma separated list of topic names. For example, --topics topic1,topic2,topic3. You can also use wildcards to specify multiple topics. For example, --topics topic* will export all topics that start with topic.

You also can use the global --parallel option to specify the number of entries that you want to export in parallel:

drift-cli  --parallel 10  export raw drift-device ./exported-data --start 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z --stop 2021-01-02T00:00:00Z